Introduction and Purposes

DADD provides specialized morning pick-up and afternoon delivery services approximately 250 days of the year to San Joaquin Valley residents who are consumers of the Department of Developmental Services and the regional center system for people with developmental disabilities. Because of the special transportation needs of these individuals the California State Legislature established means whereby people with developmental disabilities can be provided transportation to locations where a variety of services are offered. Our organization contracts with Kern and Central Valley Regional Centers to provide transportation in Kern and Tulare Counties. In addition to pick-up and delivery, our transportation service shuttles agency clients daily to various locations throughout Delano and surrounding communities for various purposes particularly employment.
As a recipient of transportation funds from FTA Section 5310, Delano Association for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc. (DADD) strives to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, including new provisions detailed in U.S. Department of Transportation’s FTA Circular 4702.1B, “Title VI Requirement and Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients.” To that end this Title VI program was developed.